Saturday, June 20, 2020

Not-For-Profit Organizations Essay - 275 Words

Not-For-Profit Organizations (Essay Sample) Content: Not-For-Profit OrganizationsStudents NameInstitutional AffiliationQuestion 1The board for a not-for-profit organization may or may not release a restriction depending on the type of designated funds. There are two types of donations. The first one is, solicited and the other one is unsolicited. For the solicited fund, it means that the organization requested in the donation for utilization in a particular cause, for example, the strike fund. On the other hand, unsolicited fund is a donation that the organization did not request for, but a donor gave out. If the donation is a direct solicitation, for example, the organization to use it solely as a strike fund, then the board could not divert the money for general operations. However, if the fund does not have a direct solicitation, then the board could divert the money. However, if there is a disclaimer that the organization reserves the authority to divert the solicited money, then it can divert the strike fund.If the workers union holds the fund exclusively to pay benefits to the members after the strike, then the board cannot release the restriction. This is a case, of a fund that has a direct solicitation. However, if there was a disclaimer that the board reserves the authority or the rights of releasing the restriction, then it would be in a position to divert the fund for general operations usage (Gross, 2006).If the fund is a safety reserve for utilization after the workers strike, then the board could release the restriction....

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